Una Vita Da... Bandano #46: Un regalo inaspettato! / One Life To... Bandano #46: An unexpected gift!
Con questa striscia natalizia vi auguro Buone Feste! Non so se ci sarà un ulteriore vignetta riguardo al Capodanno visto che preferisco concentrarmi di più sul da farsi per il 2017! Quindi, ci vediamo fra un anno... a gennaio ovviamente!!! With this strip Christmas I wish you Happy Holidays! I do not know if there will be an additional vignette about the New Year because I prefer to focus more on what to do for 2017! So, see you in a year... in January of course!!! " Merry Christmas, sweetheart! " " Merry Christmas, dear! " "I have a present for you with all the trimmings!" "Is not the case saw the presents you gave me long ago, but I'm really curious ..." " Here it is! six appeared in the Christmas strip of "One Life to Bandano" after 2 years !!! Are not you happy ?!? " "And I should make a speech ..."