Una Vita Da... Bandano #55: Rufus, l'orgoglio del capo! / One A Life Of... Bandano #55: Rufus, the pride of the boss!
Tony espone al capo le perplessità che ha riguardo a Rufus. Il capo se ne frega. E intanto con questa striscia festeggio i 4 anni del blog (in anticipo di un giorno), insieme a tutti voi ringraziandovi come sempre per tutto questo tempo e per quello che verrà. Tony exposes the perplexity of Rufus to his head. The boss cares. Meanwhile, with this strip, I celebrate the 4 years of the blog (in advance of one day), together with all of you thanking you as always for all this time and for what will come. «Boss, sorry but I must say that Rufus has changed a lot after the review ...» «Yes Tony and we are really happy about it! Has become more productive and disciplined than before and we are really proud of it !» Moment of pride. «Chief, there are some employees who have finished the contract. Where do I have to throw them?» «Are they enrolled in some trade unions?» «No.» « Then throw it into the humid! » «Has some difficulty with the differentiation . Will practi...