Con questa striscia si chiude la stagione de "Una Vita Da... Bandano"! Le nuove strisce torneranno a Settembre! With this strip ends the season of "One A Life Of ... Bandano" ! The new stripes will be back in September! «Then Tony, did you see the house? As?» «Yes Susy are still here! Well, the house is out of town and looks a lot like that of a horror movie . Is very big but it should be cleaned by dust and cobwebs ...» «...On the other hand, there are the former tenants who are very nice and do not intend to leave! Dr. Frankenstein greet you!» «My name is Frankenstin !» «Plant them with those idiotic crooks !» «What is David? Are you still angry because The fire chorus has declined the invitation to sing in your last record ?».
Disegni, fumetti e robe di Matteo Coletta.